Accessories & Technical Products

In our store you can find everything related to the world of eyeglasses and more.

If you need to see close up wearing your sunglasses or eyeglasses with the lenses for distance, you can try the available extra folding in several powers.


Also for near vision, you can find this innovative American product 'HYDROTAC', which is a bezel applicable to sunglasses, eyeglasses, work and also to diving masks. It applies glue and removed with ease. It 'available in different powers.


Novelty adjustable glasses Adlens. For nearsighted or farsighted is from -6.00 to +3.00. Useful as emergency glasses to have a correct vision at all distances. It can be used by multiple people with different visual defects.


Reading glasses for reading ZIC. Patented eyewear Made in Italy. No need for housing as it closed again it remains protected by its very structure. It 'very resistant and closed takes up little space above a pen.




If you like to devote to knitting or sewing, and you have problems in focusing, we recommend the special lens that remains hanging on the neck and resting on the chest. It is offering a wide viewing area.


Different types of glasses for the graded makeup.    


If it bothers you the sun and you do not have sunglasses with prescription lenses, you can use the extra comfortable sunglasses with polarized lenses. It easily and are also applicable aesthetically beautiful as we are of all shapes to fit perfectly to your glasses

Always to protect from the sun, if you love the mountains or the sea, you can also use the profits side shields adaptable to almost frames.


If you like sports and you like to ride a bike but having problems in near vision you can no longer see well the tools or the map is the glasses for you.

Sports glasses with bifocal lens, also available in different modellied with photochromic lens.


And if you go to ski and want to use your ski mask, you can use the add-Geko produced by Salice, it is available in different sizes to fit perfectly to every ski mask.

Wide selection of sports sunglasses with internal Optical Kit

Wide assortment of cases for your glasses, even for those wraparound sun


Lanyards, straps and chains in a variety of colors and materials.


Many of these articles you can find in our